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Title: Combining Welfare and Biomass Information Using Small Area Estimation Techniques: Evidence from Rural Uganda
Theme(s) Agriculture, Forest, Water
Method(s) Spatial Analysis, Regression Analysis

General Information

This study combines census, survey and bio-physical data to generate spatially disaggregated poverty/biomass information for rural Uganda. It makes a methodological contribution to small area welfare estimation by exploring how the inclusion of biophysical information improves small area welfare estimates. By combining the generated (panel) poverty estimates with national (panel) biophysical data this study explores the contemporaneous correlation between poverty (welfare) and natural resource degradation at a level of geographic detail that has not been feasible previously. By correlating changes in poverty with initial biomass conditions (or vice versa) the study also explores the causal relation between poverty reduction (household welfare) and environmental conditions (environmental degradation).

Part of the output from this study are maps showing poverty and biomass overlays for Uganda. These maps can be used as planning tool and for targeting purposes.

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Project: Uganda
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Project: Uganda
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Project: Uganda

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