MPA's and Poverty
On this page you will find information regarding the project you selected. A summary of the project proposal can be found in the publications section at the bottom of the page.
Title: | Coral Reefs in Vietnam: Economic Value, Resource Dependency, Livelihoods and Coastal Poverty |
Theme(s) | Fisheries, Biodiversity |
Method(s) | Valuation and CBA, Regression Analysis, Policy Instruments, Economic Modelling |
General Information
Project partners: The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Australian government, WWF-Indonesia, and World Bank.
Marine protected areas can be effective poverty reduction tools. In this project, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of more than a 1,000 interviews in four countries shows how specific marine protected areas have reduced local poverty.
The four case studies are:
Solomon Islands.The Arnavon Community Marine Conservation Area is located in the Solomon Islands between the islands of Choiseul and Santa Isabel and has been operating since 1992. Hypothesis: alternative income generating activities for fishers, especially seaweed farming, have increased local incomes and reduced poverty. The creation of the MPA has also improved the empowerment and security of the local communities by creating a management framework that improved community decision-making.
Fiji. There are more than 60 locally managed marine areas in Fiji. The study will focus on two of them (Ucunivanua and Kumi) on the island of Viti Levu. Hypothesis: no-take areas have significantly increased kaikoso clam and mangrove lobster populations and were the primary cause of an average increase in household income of about 30 percent over 3 years. The management of the MPA has also strengthened local traditions and improved the community’s ability to address other community problems.
Philippines. Apo Island is located near Negros Island in the central region of the Philippines. It has had a no-take area since 1979. Hypothesis: increased fish catches per unit of effort and increased tourism both resulted from setting aside an area of reef as a no-take zone. The increase in incomes and the improved management of the island resources have enabled the island to establish a sustainable development path.
Indonesia. Bunaken National Park is located at the northern tip of Sulawesi Island in central Indonesia. An organization of local dive operators began emphasizing benefits to the local community from dive tourism in 1997, and 30 percent of the park entrance fees are given the local community as part of a small grants program. Hypothesis: private-sector dive tourism and national park entrance fees have reduced local poverty in the communities around Bunaken National Park.