By Theme: Climate
Below you will find a list with all publications found in the selected category.
- Summary Project #2: Mongolia
- Summary Project #5: Philippines
- Summary project #11: Mali
- PREM Working Paper 05-06 - Pastureland degradation and poverty within herder communities in Mongolia: data analysis and game estimation
- PREM Working Paper 05-03 - Constructing a greenhouse gas emissions database using energy balances: the case of South Africa 1998
- PREM Working Paper 05-02 - Fighting CO2 pollution and poverty while promoting growth: searching for triple dividends in South Africa
- Policy Brief 05 - Fighting CO2 Pollution and Poverty while promoting Growth: Searching for Triple Dividends in South Africa
- PREM Working Paper 05-10 - Carrying capacity dynamics, livestock commercialisation and land degradation in Mongolia's free market era
- PREM Working Paper 06-01 - Socio-economic vulnerability and adaptation to environmental risk
- PREM Working Paper 06-02 - Economic valuation of flood risk exposure and flood control in a severely flood prone developing country
- PREM Working Paper 06-05 - Micro water harvesting for climate change mitigation: Trade-offs between health and poverty reduction in Northern Ethiopia
- Policy Brief 18 - Crop insurance in Bangladesh: protecting poor farmers against natural disasters?
- Policy Brief 14 - Small scale water harvesting in Northern Ethiopia: Can it improve household welfare without compromising health?
- Policy Brief 15 - Small scale water harvesting in Northern Ethiopia: Can it alleviate household poverty?
- PREM Working Paper 07-02 - Water Harvesting for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Resource Use: Environment and technical issues
- PREM Working Paper 07-01 - Impact of small scale water harvesting on household poverty: Evidence from northern Ethiopia
- PREM Project Report - Designing Payments for Watershed Protection Services of Philippine Upland Dwellers
- Policy Brief 13 - Poverty and investment in soil and water conservation in Kenya: does tenure security matter?
- Policy Brief 19 - Combating climate change: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions
- PREM Working Paper 07-05: Demand assessment and test of commercial viability of crop insurance in Bangladesh
- Brochure: Impacts of dams on the people of Mali
- Policy Brief 12 - Socio-economic vulnerability to flood risks in Bangladesh: How do poor people cope?
- Niger, a lifeline
- Journal Article: Fighting CO2 and poverty while promoting growth: Searching for triple dividends in South Africa? in: The Energy Journal, 27(2):113-141.
- Journal Article: Redistributing environmental tax revenue to reduce poverty in South Africa: the cases of energy and water. In: . South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 9(4):537-55
- Journal Article: Disproving the Conventional Wisdom: Both Rich and Poor Depend on Natural Resources in Rural India. Resources. In: Resources for the Future, Washington DC.
- Journal Article: Constructing a Greenhouse gas emissions inventory using energy balances: The case of South Africa: 1998. In: Journal of energy in southern Africa. 16(3):105-116.
- Journal Article: Micro water harvesting for climate variability mitigation: Trade-offs between health and poverty reduction in Northern Ethiopia. In: Environment and Development Economics. Forthcoming
- Journal Article: Factors Contributing to Child Malnutrition in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. In: East African Journal of Nutrition and Health. Forthcoming
- PREM Working Paper 07-07 - Testing Reliability and Construct Validity of In-kind WTP Responses in Contingent Valuation
- PREM Working Paper 07-08 - Introducing a Micro-Flood Insurance Market in Bangladesh: Institutional Design and Commercial Viability.