By Method: Social Analysis
Below you will find a list with all publications found in the selected category.
- PREM Working Paper 05-10 - Carrying capacity dynamics, livestock commercialisation and land degradation in Mongolia's free market era
- PREM Working Paper 05-12 - Economic incentives and poaching of the one-horned Indian rhinoceros in Nepal: Stakeholder Analysis
- Policy Brief 09 - Herder communities in Mongolia's free market era: Improving livestock management and reducing pastureland degradation
- PREM Working Paper 05-14 - Financial sustainability of the Hon Mun Marine Protected Area
- Policy Brief 11 - Human-elephant conflict and rural poverty in Sri Lanka
- PREM Working Paper 06-04 - Developing a market for watershed services
- Policy Brief 12 - Socio-economic vulnerability to flood risks in Bangladesh: How do poor people cope?
- PREM Project Report - Greening the Charcoal Chain. Substituting for Charcoal as a Household Cooking Fuel in Dar es Salaam
- PREM Working Paper 07-03 - Optimization of the charcoal chain in Tanzania
- Policy Brief 16 - Chained to Charcoal: The Market for Forest Fuels in Tanzania
- PREM Working Paper 06-06 - Household Welfare, Investment in Soil and Water Conservation and Tenure Security: Evidence From Kenya
- PREM Project Report - Designing Payments for Watershed Protection Services of Philippine Upland Dwellers
- PREM Working Paper 07-05: Demand assessment and test of commercial viability of crop insurance in Bangladesh
- Policy Brief 18 - Crop insurance in Bangladesh: protecting poor farmers against natural disasters?
- PREM Working Paper 06-03 - Welfare and Environment in Rural Uganda
- Journal Article: Welfare and Environment in Rural Uganda: Results from a Small-Area Estimation Approach. In: African Statistical Journal (Vol. III), Page 135-187, 2006.
- Journal Article: Disproving the Conventional Wisdom: Both Rich and Poor Depend on Natural Resources in Rural India. Resources. In: Resources for the Future, Washington DC.
- Journal Article: Economics of Migratory Birds: Market Creation for the Protection of Migratory Birds in the Inner Niger Delta (Mali). In: Human Dimensions of Wildlife (In Press).
- Journal Article: The Impact of the Bird Flu on Public Willingness to Pay for the Protection of Migratory Birds. In: Ecological Economics (In press).
- Journal Article: Micro water harvesting for climate variability mitigation: Trade-offs between health and poverty reduction in Northern Ethiopia. In: Environment and Development Economics. Forthcoming
- Journal Article: Factors Contributing to Child Malnutrition in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. In: East African Journal of Nutrition and Health. Forthcoming
- PREM Working Paper 07-08 - Introducing a Micro-Flood Insurance Market in Bangladesh: Institutional Design and Commercial Viability.