By Method: Spatial Analysis
Below you will find a list with all publications found in the selected category.
- Summary Project #5: Philippines
- Summary Project #4: Uganda
- Summary project #7: India
- Summary project #10: Zambia
- Summary project #11: Mali
- Summary project #13: Pakistan
- Summary project #14: Sri Lanka
- Summary project #15: Tanzania
- Summary project #16: Bangladesh
- PREM Working Paper 05-04 - Welfare and Environment in Rural Uganda: Results from a Small-Area Estimation Approach
- PREM Working Paper 05-09 - Poverty and the Environment: Exploring the Relationship between Household Incomes, Private Assets, and Natural Assets
- PREM Working Paper 05-05 - Welfare and Environment in Rural Uganda: Facts and Figures
- PREM Working Paper 06-01 - Socio-economic vulnerability and adaptation to environmental risk
- Policy Brief 11 - Human-elephant conflict and rural poverty in Sri Lanka
- PREM Working Paper 07-03 - Optimization of the charcoal chain in Tanzania
- Policy Brief 16 - Chained to Charcoal: The Market for Forest Fuels in Tanzania
- PREM Working Paper 06-03 - Welfare and Environment in Rural Uganda
- Niger, a lifeline
- Journal Article: Population model for the greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal. in: Pachyderm (2004) 37: 19-27.
- Journal Article: Waterschaarste noopt tot integral waterbeheer in de bovenloop van de Niger. In: Ecologie & Ontwikkeling, 70, 9-11.